Saturday, April 13, 2019

5 Best Tools Which Help To Know What People Search

You can know it from Google but it is not a right way, therefore bloggers also use tools to know what people search.
So in this article, you will know about "5 Best Tools Which Help To Know What People Search"

1. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is one of my favorite tools because of its Content Discovery solution. It enables you to search by topics Trending Now. And, you can filter by 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours. Plus, you can filter by topics. So, if the usual government hoopla isn’t something you want to tie your keyword research tool, just filter it out.

Buzzsumo does offer a free version, but you can upgrade for $99 a month if you want to get alerts on specific topics and all the other goods Jones mentioned.


To help you find what people are searching for around a particular topic, just type in your keyword or phrase and watch the magic happen. SEMrush will pull phrase match keywords, related keywords, and organic search results.

Paid users have more features and the pro version starts at $99 per month. But, you can still use the tool for free when searching for ideas.

3. Answer The PubdataA

answer The Public is another favorite of mine and relatively new to the scene compared to other tools. It uses searches from Google and Bing and has a massive database that is able to predict what searchers are going to ask.

The interface is what makes this tool one of my favorites. While it is a keyword research tool, it displays a beautiful visualization of data.

4. Bloomberry

Bloomberry is just like Answer The Public; the main difference is that Bloomberry displays real questions and topics that people are already talking about on blogs and forums. And, it was created by the team at Buzzsumo, so bonus points.

Bloomberry is useful if you’re creating content for Featured Snippets. And, it’s free.

5. Facebook

Facebook is one of the easiest free tools for discovered relevant topics. Plus, a lot of people get their news from Facebook. The team at Facebook created Trending topics to provide a list of what is popular on Facebook right now.

If you’re on your laptop, Trending is located on the top right side of your News Feed. If you’re on your phone, just tap the search bar to see a drop-down list of trends.

Just pick a topic and watch the trending news stories roll on.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

How To Write a Perfect Guest Post To Improve Your Business

The guest posting is one of the best ways to improve your website, there are a lot of website in the world of the Internet which allowed you to write guest posts but they don't easily accept your guest post if you write a non-valuable guest post.

Don't worry, in this article, you are going to know that "How To Write a Perfect Guest Post To Improve Your Business"

Plan your post

What would be your topic? What will be the title? How will you present it? How are the readers going to respond to it? Try to answer all these questions before anything else.

Design out a framework of your post and figure it out that how are you going to implement that framework. The framework that I use for my guest posts is something like:

  • Headline
  • Introduction
  • Content
  • Conclusion
  • What to do next? Note.
  • Create attractive headlines

As you would have observed as a reader, the first thing you notice is the headline. Try to think of a catchy title that describes your content well. Never choose the first headline that comes to your mind, think out 3-5 unique titles and pick out the best one.

A headline has the power to both attract and repel visitors. Make your titles brief, punchy and those which you think will grab attention.

How to get ideas for headlines:

Questions: If your content is answering a question, then why not use that question as your headline?

Quotes: If you can find a quote that perfectly describes your content, it would make a great title.

Statistics: Using numbers in your headlines is a great way to let your readers know what they will be getting or what they can achieve by reading your content.

Now that you know how to frame your headlines lets move on to the next tip.

Set a time limit

Time is money. Remember that, just don’t let yourself spend nothing but creating just the perfect blog post. You can never be perfect but yes that doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on quality.

Just try to keep your sentences short and descriptive. Convey more in less text.

Write what they want!

I have observed that many bloggers rather than providing the real content (that readers are looking for), post diluted information that is present almost everywhere.
Try to make your self-unique. Suppose, you are discussing a problem, just don’t share what the problem is ! your readers are here because they might already be facing the problem. You need to tell them the SOLUTION.

Solving your reader’s problems is the best way to get what you need.

Taking this very post as an example, the question that you might ask is “How to write guest posts that are welcomed by bloggers ?” or if that is a bit longer then “How to write great guest posts ?” and that is what my content is about.

How To Start Keyword Researching To Create SEO Friendly Content

Keyword researching is the most important to make your content SEO friendly, it is easy to do but you have to work with interest, SEO helps to rank your website in the search engines, and keyword research in a part of SEO, that means if you want to rank your website, then you need to learn about keyword research.

So in this article, you will know that "How To Start Keyword Researching To Create SEO Friendly Content"

The first step to optimizing your site’s content and architecture for the SEO keywords your prospects use is keyword research. This sounds easy because all you have to do is paste some words into a keyword tool, press a button, and keywords come out the other side.

The old adage that developers use applies to keyword research as well: “Garbage in, garbage out.” Methodical planning and preparation of the data that you enter into the keyword research tool will yield superior results in the output. The keyword data will be more complete and will contain more suggestions for keywords that you hadn’t even thought of.

Start by collecting SEO keyword seeds, single words that make up potential SEO keywords. For example, if you think people search for “fountain pen,” you’d break that SEO keyword into two seeds: “fountain” and “pen.” In the next step, we’ll combine these seeds together in different ways to feed into the keyword tool.

Your site’s navigation is a good place to start collecting seeds. Copy and paste the words in your navigation into an Excel spreadsheet. Then go through and separate the phrases so that each cell contains a single word. The nouns and verbs will typically be useful seeds. Adjectives and adverbs will usually be useful as modifying seeds, and everything else is probably extraneous.

For example, if your phrase is “black and blue ink,” “ink” is your main seed – there will be many ink-related SEO keywords. “Black” and “blue” are modifying seeds as we’re only interested in colors as relating to pens. If you use “blue” as a primary seed you’ll get irrelevant keywords back like “blue jeans.” The word “and” is extraneous and can be deleted from the seed list.

Determine Important Keywords

After combing through your own site’s navigation, check the navigation on your competitors’ sites. Check their title tags — they’re probably using the keywords they want to rank for there. Do a couple of Google searches to see which keywords the sites that rank well use. All of these phrases can be broken down into seeds and modifying seeds.

Sort all of your seeds and modifying seeds into two separate lists. You’ll merge the lists together in different ways to generate potential keyword phrases to feed into the keyword research tool.

Why not just feed the original phrases into the tool without bothering to break them down into seeds and recombine them? Because keyword tools are precise. The keyword tool is likely to give you only what you ask for and very close synonyms. If you only feed in the phrases you already use, you’ll get back more of the same phrases you already use. You’ll miss an opportunity to discover new and potentially more valuable phrases that real customers use to find your products.

There are a couple of ways to combine the seeds into new phrases. The keyword tools have a simple combination feature – we’ll cover that in next week’s primer on how to use keyword tools. Merge Words is another option. It’s a site whose only purpose is to accept up to three lists of seeds and output every possible combination of those seeds.

Or you can use Excel’s concatenate formula. I prefer concatenation (i.e., the process of linking words) because it gives me the most flexibility to combine words, however, I want: AB, BA, A and B, B and A, where to buy B, where to buy A, where to buy A and B, and so on.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How To Get A Lot Of Traffic From Social Media

Social media gives us an opportunity to share our content with the world. Whenever we create a post on our website, first of all, we share it with social media, because we all know that it is the right way to show our thoughts to people.

There is "How To Get A Lot Of Traffic From Social Media"

1. Facebook

Facebook is one of the best ways to get traffic for your website, it has billions of daily users which interest in deferent things.
So how can you get traffic from Facebook for your website?

  • Log in to your Facebook account

  • Create a page

  • Use a profile on your page that is related to your website

  • Share your posts on your page

  • Join some groups which are related to your topic

  • Share your posts with these all groups

It is the best ways to get traffic from Facebook for free.

2. Twitter

Twitter is a social website, it helps celebrities to share their thoughts with people, you can also use it to get traffic for your website.
Share your all posts with Twitter, then you will see your growth traffic.

3. Google Plus

Google plus is a social website by Google, it is a sharing system,  you can share your posts with google plus to get traffic for your website.

These 3 social websites are the best to get a lot of traffic to your website.

How To Get Quality Backlinks For Your Website

There are a lot of ways to get backlinks for your website to rank it. Backlinks are very important for your website or Blog to rank in the search engines. So there are "How To Get Quality Backlinks For Your Website"

1. Kick your web content writing up a notch.

First, make sure you’ve done your SEO keyword research. Web content writing is different than other types of writing, so make sure your blogs are reader-friendly and utilize bullet points, numbered lists, bold subtitles, etc. to break up big blocks of grey paragraphs. Read and re-read your content for errors — you’re less likely to be taken seriously (and get backlinks) if your copy looks like it was written by a third grader

2. Write linkbait posts.

Write useful blogs packed with helpful information, and then submit them like crazy. With linkbait articles, it’s good to use the Field of Dreams approach: if you build your site up with really good content, they will come and link to you.

3. Share the love

One of the easiest ways to get backlinks is to link to other blogs yourself. Many times, people will return the favor. Host weekly link sharing parties on your blog — you may be surprised at the number of people that show up.

4. Interlink your blog posts

Make sure that every post links back to another that you’ve written. Over time, you’ll have a network of tons of backlinks built up — all on your own site

5. Become an expert or ask lots of questions

Question and answer sites, like Quora, are great for dropping links to your website or blog. Also, if you sign up for services like HARO you can get much more than backlinks — you can get millions of dollars’ worth of media coverage. Check out our HARO experiment and results blog post to see how we got 6 major media outlets to cover TCF in just 30 days. The result? 11 high-quality backlinks, because some of the coverage was syndicated.

6. Update your social bookmark profiles

Make sure your profiles on Facebook, Digg, Google, etc. have links back to your site.

Of Page SEO Method How To Link Building

This article could be big because learn about link building is not so easy, you can not learn it fast, there is a method that will teach you something about link building, so this article is short but is enough to mention you.

"Of Page SEO Method How To Link Building"

Link building: Most Effective Off Page SEO Method

Links are very important to Google. If there are no links pointing to your website then, In fact, it’s almost impossible for Google to determine the value of your web page no matter how useful, fresh or in-depth content you have.

It is the most popular and effective off-Page SEO method. If you want to bypass your competitors and rank higher then you need to build external links to your website. Don’t just wait for people to link to you, take initiative and ask for them.

Make sure you follow these three factors while acquiring backlinks:

Quality is everything: The quality of your links matters much more than the number of links you have. Reaching out to the right sources and offer value in exchange for a solid link.
Anchor text: The anchor text is the text used when other sites link to you
Number of links: Build high-quality backlinks at scale

What Is The Difference Between On-page SEO And Off-page SEO

SEO has to parts that are On-page SEO and Off-page SEO, and in this article, you will understand both of them. So there is "What Is The Difference Between On-page SEO And Off-page SEO"

On-page SEO

Whether it is the on-page SEO or off-page SEO, the goal is to optimize individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page SEO takes care of optimizing content and HTML source code of a page, user-friendliness of your site.

Simply to say, it takes care of all the things that you can do ON your website such as page titles, internal linking, meta tags & descriptions, etc. On-page SEO consists of all the elements of SEO that you can control best.

Here are the three main things that you should take care of if you are serious about online business.

Off-page SEO

In the above step, we just learned the very basics of on-page SEO. Now, let’s dive into off-page SEO. Usually, most of the people think off-page SEO is all about links. No, it's not just linked, it’s even more.

What is the off-page SEO?

Even though there is no proper definition for this, what I can say is, it’s an act of optimizing your brand’s presence both in online and offline by using content, relationships, and link. Simply to say, it refers to the techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page (SERPs).

Benefits of off-page SEO:

Increases website rank: The website will rank higher in the SERPs which also means more traffic.

Increases PageRank: Google measures the importance of a website through Pagerank which is a number between 0 and 10.
Your website gets more exposure: When your website is ranked high, it automatically gets more exposure, gets more links, more visits and more social media mentions.